The OSCA committee work hard to promote an understanding of Osteopathy in sport and to harness friendships and joint ventures with other compatable associations to further our work for our profession and for our members. Please see our latest development news below:
English Institute of Sport
OSCA have recently collaborated with The English Institute of Sport (EIS), to provide osteopaths on a preferred provider basis.
Services are delivered from fifteen EIS High Performance Centres across the country, as well as at a number of additional partner sites. The EIS was established in May 2002, and is an organisation which provides sport science and medical support services to elite athletes through a nationwide network of expertise and facilities, working with Olympic and Paralympic summer and winter sports, as well as English and a limited number of professional sports.
The EIS is a grant funded organisation through UK Sport, Olympic and Paralympic sports are able to engage with EIS services through their World Class Programme funding from UK Sport, English sports through their Sport England funding and professional sports through their respective funding bodies.
In July 2013, presentations were made at Osteopathy House of the first OSCA Fellowship awards. The award has been developed to both reward our profession's shining lights working in the sporting arena, and to inspire osteopaths wishing to work within a sports environment to go that extra mile to serve and promote osteopathy to the wider audience.
We hope that our first fellowship recipients will use their new status to further promote, educate and inspire our profession and future osteopaths to work within the sporting arena from grass roots to elite.
Awards were made to Simeon Milton, David Millard, Tom Hewetson and posthumously to Jonathan Betser. They were presented by Professor Carol Phillips from Northampton University.
To read more about the recipients of these awards, please click here.
League Medical Association
OSCA are currently collaborating with LMedA to provide preferable rates for OSCA members who wish to join LMedA. The LMedA is the representative body of medical, science and exercise personnel involved directly or indirectly in Professional League Football. We hope to provide more details soon.