Join OSCA and join the UK's only professional network of Osteopaths in sport.
There are many reasons to join OSCA. As a supportive network of like-minded professionals, we aim to promote Osteopathy within a sports care environment and as part of a modern inter-disciplinary team.
Discounted rates on OSCA CPD courses
Discounted rates on many other relevant CPD courses
Online access to BJSM
10% discount on
Discounted rates at RehabMyPatient - save 10% on annual fees
New OSCA member offer - Free six month trial membership to RMP worth £68.50
20% discount on subscriptions to Co-kinetic
30% discount on Rocktape open event
33% discount on Strapit & Gripit tapes
Discounted rates on CPD-Today courses
10% off React First courses
43% off Rocktape tape purchases!
Sports care opportunities within the UK and abroad

4.1 Full membership of the association is open to all practicing osteopaths registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) under The Osteopaths Act 1993
4.2 Osteopathic students may become members. Student members will have no voting rights
4.3 The association shall keep a register of members and enter into it the names and addresses of all persons who become members
4.4 Associate membership is open to any allied professional who holds a relevant degree or diploma that is not eligible for full membership under section 4.1. Any such person must have an interest in the aims and objectives of the association and be actively involved in the healthcare and well-being of sports people. Associate members will have no voting rights